282024-10Macroporous Gold-Extraction Resin in the Hydrometallurgy IndustryD301G macroporous gold-extraction resin, as an important ion exchange material, is widely applied in the extraction of precious metals due to its excellent performance.View More >3
212024-10What Resin is Used in the Sugar Industry?Ion exchange resins are primarily used in the sugar industry for decolorization and clarification of sugar syrups. These resins are synthetic materials that have the ability to exchange ions with the solution they are in contact with.View More >5
142024-10Resin Samples Sent to South Korean Client for Ultrapure Water ProductionToday, we successfully shipped samples of cation and anion resins to one of our valued clients in South Korea. The client intends to use these resins for ultrapure water production in their facilities. These samples will undergo rigorous testing, and upon successful results, the client is expected to proceed with bulk procurement.View More >2
122024-10Application of Ion Exchange Resin in Industrial Water TreatmentIon exchange resin is a kind of polymer material with high efficient ion exchange capacity, which is widely used in the field of industrial water treatment. Its main function is to remove ionic pollutants in water through ion exchange reaction to achieve the purpose of water purification. The following will introduce the various applications of ion exchange resin in industrial water treatment.View More >2
302024-09What is Boiler Chemical Treatment?Boilers use soft water mainly to prevent scale formation, improve heat transfer efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and extend the service life of equipment. Softened water achieves this goal by removing hardness components such as calcium and magnesium ions in water.View More >3
232024-09Precious Metal Extraction and SeparationIon exchange resins can selectively adsorb and separate a certain type of metal ion or a certain type of metal ion from mineral infusion or slurry. After elution with different eluents, a concentrated solution containing a certain metal ion is obtained, and then reduced to obtain a metal with a higher purity.View More >4