UA380S Speciality Resin

Update Time : Dec 26, 2023
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Kazakhstan customers UA380S Speciality Resin for Uranium Extraction sample is ready for Delivery.

COMCESS®UA380S(sulfate form) Ion Exchange Resin is a strongly basic, macro-reticular anion exchange resin. It is a true, macroporous network which differs completely from conventional gel-type resins,providing outstanding osmotic and physical stability as well as excellent kinetics. The crosslinked polystyrenic matrix makes this resin particularly stable mechanically. 

UA380S has been specially developed for the extraction of uranium from ore, both for In Situ Leaching and RIP (Resin-In-Pulp) processes. 

UA380S shows a high tolerance to high silica and iron content in the Pregnant Leach Solutions (PLS). The uniform particle size of UA380S enables lower loss of resin through the screens. Its extra large beads (> 1 mm) provide a lower pressure drop; it is an excellent fit for the treatment of high solids pulps. 

UA380S is supplied in the SO42- form in order to minimize the presence of Cl− upon start-up. If used in sulfuric acid leach systems, no preconditioning of this resin is required and the resin can be used as supplied. 
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